Friday, February 2, 2007

Journal #2

Ramon D. Meacham Jr.
"Everything the Power of the Would does us done in a circle"
Black Elk
February, 2nd 2007
Speaker: A person that is thankful for life
Audience: Anyone on Earth
Purpose: To educate people about the powers of the world
Subject: power of the world
Literature Critic:
Yes, I do think that the poet of this poem has conveyed his message that the power of the world is done in circles. I think that this poet has done by the words that he has chosen and the way that he has placed them. I think that what makes this poem so strong is that this pet chooses vital parts of the world that makes life circulate such as the sun, the moon and the earth itself. In the poem the author also uses the placement of his words to bring the meaning of his poem back to circular powers as he always puts the word "circle" as he talks about a new power. But also I like how this poet starts off talking about the world itself as a whole and then works his way to end talking about the life of man. I think that the last line is the strongest because it touches on the part that the power of the world is in a circle but it is also the most prized power of life.

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