Thursday, February 15, 2007

Week 3 journal

"it may not always be so; and I say" by e.e. cummings
S: Someone that has been heart or cheated on
O: When He/she realized their love may not be true
A: Anybody that has been in love
P: To convey thoughts in feelings of a person in love
S: accepted love might not be still there
Tone: hurt, accepting, pleading
Literary response:
I think this poem written by e.e. cummings is a very good poem because it does not follow the criteria of the natural and common love poem. A lot of love poems talk about what they like about a person make metaphors for their feelings. But his poem is different because it talks about accepting that love is not in the relationship but between their partner and someone else and then congratulated the other person for finding love. Most poems would be a hate poem if this situation would occur. I like how this author took the concept and really did a 180-degree turn and took a hate situation into a love situation looking at it from a different point of view.
Other than the idea of the poem I think the author used great word choice to convey his poem. Also he uses a nice structure that shows a sort of cause and affect of what will happen. I like the way he repeats the two words "I say". This solidifies the fact that what he is talking about might happen but is not for certain that it will. Also, I like his word choice in the first four lines, it sort of gives of the picture of the character reminiscing on the things he would do with his girlfriend and him thinking about his girlfriend doing the things he use to do with his girl. Also, to go back to the structure of the poem in the first part of the poem the character is thinking of his love spending time and loving another and its sets up the next paragraph. The next paragraph say that if this is true then let him now so that he can congratulate the man for finding love and then he would leave them alone and be sad.

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