Friday, February 2, 2007

"We Where the Mask", Paul Lawrence DunBar Journal 1

S: sad person
O: depression
A: people that have felt sad at one point
P: to point out that people are not what they seem to be
S: people that hide their feelings
Tone: depressed
Personal response
I think this poem really connects to life today because there are many people trying to be something different than their true selves. A lot of people watch television and thin that is the way they should act and begin to act in that form. This poem also relates to real life because I do believe that people lie and grin even though they might not feel that way. Sometimes in life people have to life to keep from hurting a loved ones feelings or from getting in trouble. It is not their true self but it keeps people happy and safe.
This also relates to my life because I feel that I sometimes live my life behind a mask. I do not like to show how I feel to other people because I feel that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. So like in the line in the poem "With torn and bleeding hearts we smile" I can relate to it because when I am hurt I still act as if though nothing is wrong.

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